Online Service Business Action Plan: 3 Actions for Strategic & Intentional Results

Online Business Tips

The Set Up Playbook:

Let's face it: Life is a confusing hot mess when figuring out your online service business.

And you have the absolute right to cry about it every other day,  just to let the stress out. ( I did & sometimes still do! 🥲) 

Many of the actions you take don't get you closer to your income goals, have you embarrassed about your results, and maybe even wanting to quit.

But not after today, Boss, Let's get you  set you up with a new and better Online Service Business Action Plan for success!

Implement this Online Service Business Action Plan so you can: 

  • Stop the  jumbled thoughts and actions
  • Quit ping-ponging between tasks with no idea what to do next
  • Reduce your search for growth and traffic hacks on Google, Youtube, and Instagram
  • Remove the daily pity parties because “this is not working how it's supposed to!”
  • And finally, stop hanging desperately on to 1 client or hearing nothing from 2 prospects you got from a referral

Your business drama stops tuhday!

Plus, All of that nervous and unnecessary energy will burn you out quickly and have you hit the “I quit” button before you even get any traction.


Instead, Try This:

Only Focus on 3 Main Business Actions every week until you get the exact results you want for your business and your life.

Find out more about those 3 intentional actions for your Online Service Business Action Plan below!

The Online Service Business Action Plan: 3 Actions For Strategic and Intentional Results

This quick 3 part action plan is packed full  of tips to help your get results with your online service business in no time.

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1) KnowYour Client (Market Research + Messaging Perfecting)

This is the foundational step of your online service business action plan: Deep dive into the problems and goals of the only person that matters to your business, the people who buy from you!

Find out their preferences, wants, needs, desires, goals, big problems, little problems, and frustrations.

Then show them exactly what they need to do to solve their problems, reach their goals, and become the person they dream about being. [I'm literally doing this to you right now!🙃 See how easy it is?)

Once you got this part down your content and marketing can become the easiest thing on your list.

Rizzy Tips:

  1. This part is literally the heart of your business. Stop all of the other noise and focus on this.
  2. You must solve legit problems in your service business or help people reach their coveted goals.
  3. Check out what your competitors are saying in their content and the comments under their content for help with this if you are too shy to ask your ideal clients.


2) Traffic Bringing Actions (Marketing + Strategy)

Here are your key marketing activities in the online service business action plan: Learn how to market, what to market, where to market, what type of content answers your ideal client's problems/goals, and how they like to learn (video, written, audio).

Then make a system to create and market your content on  1  Main Platform (Your Blog, Loom Videos, Youtube), an Expert Platform (Instagram, Youtube, Podcast, Email), a Search Platform (Pinterest, Google, Youtube),  and several Viral Platforms ( Reels, Youtube Shorts, Idea Pins, Tik Tok).

You can add each platform one at a time until all 4 work for your business goals or you can share all the content among all of them (this is called repurposing and can easily be done on Viral platforms).

Note: Your Search & Viral platforms feeds traffic to your Main and Expert Platforms. This makes them very important in your traffic system, especially if you want to accelerate growth or sales!


Rizzy Tips:

  1. Focus on foundational strategies for each platform at first not just tips and hacks. Those will only be useful after you get consistent results from your foundational actions. 
  2. Grab a course or specific book on each platform, don't waste time trying to Youtube the knowledge if it doesn't naturally come to you ( give it a month tops of organic research & implementation). Youtube is full of differing opinions, but just focus on one opinion and  implement , this will help you learn the skill of theory and practice, which will help accelerate your learning using your own experience.
  3. Time is greater than money! Don't waste time trying to save your money, buy your time back with a course or 1-to-1 session. You can't get time back, but you can make more and more money. This is such a hard concept to wrap your head around, I learned if from my life coach years ago and still struggle with breaking my cheap beliefs. I have a list of courses & workshops I recommend here. 

4. Content marketing is an art form and many people have no idea how it works and the fact that it can sell your service without you even being there ( if you have a profitable funnel). Do your research into things like the buyer's journey, content formulas, SEO & keywords, and  content hooks! Or find Experts to help you implement or learn all of it!


    3) Money-Making Actions (Creating Offers + Paths to Sales!)

    Here's your key sales action in the online service business action plan: Learn how to make sales, what needs to be set up for you to make sales, and get a keen understanding of how your offers actually bring value to someone else.

    Then get to work setting up paths for each platform you market on. Then work on  optimizing each path for the results you want to have.

    Here's an example of Path to Sales:

    You pin on Pinterest— They see your Pinterest pin —> They click thru to your blog post—> They go to your landing page—>They join your email list—> They buy the offer you send to them.

    These actions do not happen by magic, you actually have to set up a plan for this to happen.

    • How do they see your Pinterest pin?
    • How in the world does the Pinterest pin get them to your blog?
    • How does your blog get them to the landing page?
    • How does the landing page get them on your email list?

    You must answer these important questions and then create actions for your visitors to naturally take (or semi- naturally if you use a pop-up!😉 )

    Rizzy Tip:

    1. Do you have sales or email addresses? Figure out exactly how you got those sales and emails and replicate those actions repeatedly.
    2. No Sales or emails yet? Practice + perfect hooks (headlines that make people click), messaging (your possible client's thoughts spoken back to them), and Call to Actions (words that tell them what to do next) to attract possible clients and lead them down your sales paths.



    • The Business Layout tab in The Set Up PrepBook
    • Follow me on Pinterest so you can see more tips on creating offers and paths to sales while you scroll

    These 3 actions should keep you busy for a while!

    This Online Service Business Action Plan is a great way to accelerate results with your service business as long as you implement and don't get stuck in mind drama about if your actions are worth it.

    “Sow seeds of Value into your future and it will eventually produce a harvest”- Myron Golden.


    If you want to reset the foundation of your business so you can create intentional results: check out The Set Up PrepBook where you can strategically plan out all of the above for your business and set up for success!

    ↓Check It Out Below↓

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